Something Special Florist

Something Special Florist

Something Special Florist is situated on Market Street, Trim, County Meath. It was established in 1993. We provide a good range of wedding flowers, flowers for special occasions, corporate flower-sand plants from the ordinary to the exotic. We cover a large area of south Meath with our delivery service. We offer a large range of plants and flowers.

We also supply Hand Made Chocolates, Balloons, Handmade cards, Glassware, and baby gift-ware. We pride ourselves on our service and the quality of our products. There is an excellent design team on hand to give advice on every occasion and budget.

We also supply corporate flowers and plants, and for the bride to be we have a large selections of original designs to choose from. 

Business categories: Florist
Contact name: Mairead Gogan
Address: Market Street,, Trim, County Meath, Ireland