Apprenticeship Expo Success
Dancing with the star’s winner, and former Jockey and local hero Nina Carberry officially opened the Apprenticeship Expo 2022 this morning (Tuesday) at Knightsbrook Hotel in County Meath. The Apprenticeship Expo has grown since its last outing in 2020. With over 80 exhibitors on the day and close to 3,000 attendees registered across different time slots, the Apprenticeship Expo is a must for all things Apprenticeships!
Coming at a time when staff shortages have hit nearly every sector in Ireland the apprenticeship expo served as an opportunity for not only employers to attract new apprenticeships but for students, parents and anyone looking to upskill to explore their options. With the expansion of the available courses, apprenticeships are a firm choice for many people looking to further their education and people also enjoy the hybrid approach of working hands-on while being educated through the multitude of apprenticeship programmes that are on offer now.
Schools from Meath, Louth, Dublin, Kildare, Limerick, Athlone, Portlaoise, Westmeath, Cavan, and Monaghan, were in attendance (both in school group and accompanied by parents) to find more information on their chosen field and have a one-on-one chat with prospective employers. Educators from various institutes around the country were on hand to give career advice and CV-clinics were made available to all attendees. Hourly speaker panel discussions heard from employers and apprentices on the benefits and challenges which they currently face. Experts were on hand from SOLAS, ETB’s and the RSTC Dundalk with advice.
Sadie Ward Mc Dermott, Director of Further Education and Training, LMETB had this to say “Louth and Meath Education and Training Board were delighted to work with Meath Chamber on this project. It was a tremendous opportunity to show case the offerings under the umbrella of Apprenticeships: both craft and New Apprenticeships. The number of schools at the event both from our own region and the surrounding regions was significant and a great opportunity for young people to access this information locally in the region. We look forward to this becoming an annual part of the LMETB calendar. We wish to thank Meath Chamber led by Paula Mc Caul for working closely with LMETBs Regional Skills and Training Centre to bring this substantial Apprenticeship Expo to fruition.”
Mary-Liz Trant, interim director of the new National Apprenticeship Office said: “This Apprenticeship Expo is a fantastic opportunity for potential apprentices to find out more about ‘earn as you learn’ options via the national Generation Apprenticeship route. With 64 programmes now available there is a huge amount of choice. Dozens of apprenticeship employers from around the country are attending the Expo and looking forward to recruiting diverse talent for their companies. This really is an exciting event.”
“The level of interest amongst students in today’s event is fantastic. With over 2,000 students registered to attend, this shows the potential that they see in apprenticeships. helpful for young people. It provides the time and space to look at all of their options, talk to a wide variety of employers, and hear different perspectives. All of this is invaluable in helping them make far-reaching and impactful decisions. And equally, as apprenticeship is a contract of employment, this event is a great opportunity for employers to showcase the opportunities they can provide. With the current competitive jobs market, this is a good chance to proactively attract the next generation of workers into companies.” Simon Harris TD, Minister for Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science.
“The objective of the apprenticeship expo was to showcase and promote employers and to raise awareness of the variety of apprenticeships that are available in Ireland today. Feedback from schools, parents and employers has been overwhelmingly positive, with plans afoot for 2023. The Apprenticeship Expo is testament to what can be achieved through positive partnerships and genuine cross-collaboration. We each have a role to play in promoting earn and learn apprenticeships and to endorse one another. Hats off to the dozens of employers who took the time to build interactive exhibitions to showcase their business and engage with students” Paula McCaul, County Meath Chamber
This all-Ireland event was spearheaded by County Meath Chamber in partnership with Meath County Council, SOLAS, ETB’s across Ireland, the Regional Skills Training Centre Dundalk, INTREO and various other stakeholders. Key employers including Boliden Tara Mines, Kilsaran, Kepak, Dromone Engineering, Turmec, Irish Country Meats, P&L Group, CalX (Apprentice Employer of the Year) and many, many more. A full list of exhibitors is available on www.apprenticeshipexpo.ie