Boyne Valley - Scoop 2nd place in Restaurant Association of Ireland #FoodieDestinations - The prizes continue to roll for the food producers, restaunteers, venues and the Boyne Valley Food Series

Boyne Valley - Scoop 2nd place in Restaurant Association of Ireland #FoodieDestinations - The prizes continue to roll for the food producers, restaunteers, venues and the Boyne Valley Food Series

Last night was a great night for the food producers, restaunteers, venues and the Boyne Valley Food Series.  Together they scooped 2nd place in the @foodiedest awards!  That's 2nd, 2nd, 1st and 3rd prize consecutively since 2015. Super to see their hard work recognised for the fourth year in a row.  Too many cooks don't spoil the broth afterall!  Congratulations @boynevalleyfloodflavours.  Full report to follow.